I’ve been a very absentee blogger of late. This is down to two factors: emotional exhaustion and physical exhaustion. So one factor really. Exhaustion.
I’ve been emotionally exhausted because moving is HARD. You’d think as this is something like my fifth move in three years I’d be totally cool with putting my life into a few suitcases and shifting scenery once again. Turns out nope. Moving to London is a whopper, and no amount of previous upheaval-wisdom would have been enough to prepare me.
This makes it sound as though as I encountered a dragon on my way down the M1. I’m afraid the truth is less dangerous and exciting, and more…damp. Saying goodbye to my Northern family as I became the first Kelly girl to venture down south turned into a teary little adventure. Anyone would have thought I was never coming back, and the fact I’m heading home in July did little to comfort anyone.
When you’re emotional like that, it can quickly sap the fun out of you. I was in no mood to blog about how much I missed my mum, because it probably would have brought on a spout of wailing. So I just cracked on.
The physical exhaustion was kinda boring. I’d have a fantastic day at work, be full of enthusiasm and peppiness, then completely crash come 6pm. Being on the tube squished under some guy’s armpit and being hit in the face with some tourist’s backpack isn’t really the best way to set yourself up for a fun-filled evening of exploring a capital city.
So I went home each night, Skyped and called and watched TV. Did extra research for work, played with my new shiny tablet, and got early nights. It was boring. Really boring. How could I blog about it?
But, alas, I perked up. All it took was for my colleague Lara to tell me “No good story starts with, ‘so, I was doing everything completely right…’, my little sister to visit briefly and for the discovery of a fantastic little Mexican in Covent Garden with Laura, and I’m back.
I’ve got some really cool things lined up, including my first ever blogger event, moving house (again…) and a Zoo Late (it’s a party in a zoo. For real.). Plus I finally got my camera fixed so I’m going to town (literally) with that this weekend!
Welcome to London!
Hi lovely. As you know GFC is on the way out so I thought I’d message all my GFC followers and ask you to please continue to follow Fluttering Lashes on bloglovin here – http://www.bloglovin.com/en/blog/3736960/fluttering-lashes
I already follow you on Bloglovin!
I use bloglovin on my tablet because it’s miles better than GFC on that! Love your stuff Lou