My loan came in this morning. After all the fuss, stolen eggs and tears, it’s finally in. My fight with Student Finance England is over. I’ll stop whinging now.
This means one thing, and one thing only. I’m going shopping.
Obviously, being a sensible and conscientious student, I’ll contain myself and not blow the bank immediately. Having lived off ALDI’s 69p veg for the past two weeks, I never want to find myself in a situation where the only way I can afford a cup of coffee is if I beg in the street for a bit.
So what will I buy first?
The plan. |
Obviously, I’m going to get drunk first.Anyone who wants to see me celebrating the fact that I have real life expendable income, that isn’t being instantly swallowed up by my overdraft, then I’ll be the one at the bar ordering two for one cocktails at Dusk on Thursday. The Milky Bar Kids are on me.
Then, being a sensible third year, I’ll recover from my hangover by doing a food shop. The first thing on my list is a crap load of coffee, because I ran out and I can’t keep depending on Emma Bennett to supply me with it (#bestfriendever). I’ll get some stationary to do some degree work with. And I’ll buy some vegetables, some pasta, enough biscuits to see me through the dark days of essay-composing, and a huge bulk-order of flapjack ingredients.
Then, as it’s cold, I’m going shopping shopping. For clothes. Like I’m LLYMLRS or something.
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Winterwarm by farrah-kelly featuring bright blue skinny jeans |
Look! I’m a fashion blogger now! Does this count? Strictly speaking, I can’t actually afford all of those things. Even with the loan in. But, what is wonderful, is I can afford to get at least some of it. I need a new pair of jeans since I tore my faithful skinnys whilst giving the shower a good scrub, so that’s pretty high on the list of priorities. The rest is slightly ambitious, but a girl can dream.
After I’ve finished recovering from my mega hangover, packed away all of my new groceries, and slid into my new pair of jeans, I’m going to book a trip. There’s definitely a visit home on the cards, but I’m branching out past Huddersfield.
I want to review somewhere new. I’ve not had the time or money to go somewhere and explore lately, but I’ve been getting itchy feet. I’m thinking the Lake District, because it’s as close as I’ll get to the New Zealand landscape I’ve become obsessed with following my mega-LOTR-athon. Any suggestions to a cheap and lolz-ridden trip away, maybe for a weekend, would be much appreciated.
In the meantime, while I order food and splash out on an electric blanket, I’m going to be constantly humming a mix between Etta James’ At Last and Nappy Roots’ Good Day.