Snap Happy in Hungary.

A smattering of the pictures I took from my week in Budapest!

The builders outside of my hostel that cheerily drilled away at seven in the morning. 

 Some “Secret Boxes” on a market stall during the city centre’s Easter Markets.

The beautiful ceiling of Saint Stephen’s Basilica foyer. 

 Lily having a look at the posters covering the walls in Castro Bistro, our favourite restaurant.

Charlotte and myself getting our footing right on the ridge of the pool before posing for the intended photo.

Szchenyi Baths.

Pair of abandoned shoes on a broken windowsill in the Jewish Quarter.

Shisha Bar in the Szimpla Kert,

Grumpy traditional singer at the Easter Market.

 Graphic “No Pooing” Sign… 

Upstairs in the Szimpla Kert.

Farrah Kelly

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